Please join Prevention Institute and our partners at the 2017 Annual Violence Prevention Conference May 8th - May 9th in Los Angeles, sponsored by the Violence Prevention Coalition of Los Angeles. Registration is open!
Prevention Institute (PI) Program Manager Ruben Cantu will speak about Making Connections for Mental Health and Wellbeing Among Men and Boys, a national initiative funded by the Movember Foundation which works to transform community conditions that influence mental wellbeing, especially for men and boys of color, veterans, and their families.
Along with partner organizations Community Intelligence, Pacoima Beautiful, and Social Justice Learning Institute, PI Managing Director Manal J. Aboelata will frame a discussion on the intersections between land use and violence prevention and moderate an interactive session that will highlight strategic efforts to promote community safety through land use planning, based on a recent Land Use and Violence Prevention summit sponsored by the Healthy Equitable Active Land Use (HEALU) network.
2017 Violence Prevention Conference
Clearing Pathways to Healing and Wellness:
Fostering Healthy Communities by Addressing Family and Community Trauma
May 8th & 9th, 2017
The California Endowment
1000 N. Alameda St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
Register online
Attendees of the Making Connections panel will learn about emerging findings from the initiative, as well as tools and methods to promote local capacity to foster mental health and wellbeing. Ruben will co-host the panel with Jama Mohammed, program manager of the San Diego Making Connections project, which addresses wellbeing for male refugees from East Africa, and Dr. Randal Henry, Executive Director and Founder of Community Intelligence, who leads a Making Connections project in LA addressing the impact of gang culture and violence on community mental health and wellbeing.
Featured speakers at the conference include Dr. Robert K. Ross, President and CEO of The California Endowment, and Avis Ridley-Thomas, Co-Director of the Institute for Nonviolence in Los Angeles and Days of Dialogue. We hope to see you at our sessions and in other sessions featuring topics such as:
- How to use a restorative approach to address absenteeism for vulnerable youth
- The role of faith communities in addressing the root causes and symptoms of violence
- Trauma-informed practices in the educational system
- Trauma-informed yoga as a treatment modality
- Drug war reparations and healing trauma
- Addressing LGBTQ trauma and providing solutions
- Hospital-based violence prevention programs that foster healthy communities
The Violence Prevention Coalition has a long history of convening partners around the notion that violence is a public health issue—one that is multi-faceted and preventable. We look forward to being a part of this year’s conference and forging ahead with effective solutions that achieve community safety. For a full conference agenda, please go to the Violence Prevention Coalition of Los Angeles website.