Preventing violence requires many partners and sectors to help create community environments that support safe, healthy, and equitable relationships. As Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) comes to a close, Prevention Institute invites you to sustain the momentum of preventing sexual and domestic violence by participating in the PreventConnect web conference series. SAAM was founded on the idea that we are stronger when we work together, and this year’s theme—“Engaging New Voices”—is about cultivating new partnerships to address root factors of violence and expand prevention efforts.
The next webinar, on May 31st, will emphasize engaging men and boys as partners in promoting positive gender norms:
Healthy Masculinities: Mobilizing men and boys to foster positive gender norms
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
11:00am-12:30pm PT / 2:00pm-3:30pm ET
Register Now!
Sexual and domestic violence prevention work emerged out of women's leadership and has had a focus on addressing violence against women. Clearly, people who identify as men and boys have a role to play in the work, including in transforming the sociocultural environment to foster healthy, positive norms about masculinities, gender, and violence, and in challenging harmful norms in their social networks and beyond. This web conference will explore strategies to mobilize men and boys in prevention, referencing the evidence base and on-the-ground work, including Coaching Boys Into Men and other innovative community efforts. Learn from practitioners already building alliances with men and bring your ideas as we critique patriarchal norms and explore opportunities to promote healthy masculinities.
For more than a decade, PI and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) have convened the PreventConnect web conference series as a community of practice that builds and strengthens practitioners’ understanding of key primary sexual and domestic violence prevention concepts, supports organizations’ prevention efforts, and contributes to the overall prevention system.
Upcoming PreventConnect web conference dates and topics:
May 31: Healthy Masculinities: Mobilizing men and boys to foster positive gender norms
June 28: From Private to Community Accountability: Supporting inclusion and building capacity for sexual and domestic violence prevention
July 19: Organizing for Economic Opportunity: Movements and strategies to improve economic opportunities for sexual and domestic violence prevention
August 16: A Safe Place to Call Home: Strategies and movements to transform the physical/built environment for sexual and domestic violence prevention
September 20: From Research to Practice: Addressing shared underlying factors to prevent sexual and domestic violence
Note: All PreventConnect web conferences are held at 2pm Eastern (1pm Central, noon Mountain, 11am Pacific) unless noted otherwise. Registration details will be available 3-4 weeks prior to the web conference date, at