Public health leaders draw on Cohen’s Prevention Diaries to discuss prevention and public health in today’s climate
Please join public health leaders Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith and Larry Cohen on a May 12 Dialogue4Health Web Forum about the role of prevention and equity in our current climate—with a special focus on preventing violence to advance health.
Dr. Prothrow-Stith, M.D., is dean and professor of medicine for the College of Medicine at Charles R. Drew University, and one of the nation’s foremost leaders in violence prevention. As a physician working in inner-city Boston, she broke new ground with her work in defining violence as a public health concern, including writing a violence prevention curriculum for adolescents and a mass-market book that presents a public health perspective on violence. Longtime colleagues and friends, Deborah and Larry have worked together to advance national momentum for violence prevention and health equity, including developing safety initiatives in cities.
Some of their work is described in Larry’s new book, Prevention Diaries: The Practice and Pursuit of Health for All, which he will draw upon during the webinar discussion. The book’s colorful tales of struggles and successes show the impact that policies, industries, systems, and environments have on health. Through their conversation, Larry and Deborah will highlight lessons from their many decades of advocacy and research in improving community health through prevention and social change. A Q&A will follow the discussion.
Registration is free and open to anyone interested in participating in this event, which is made possible by funding from the Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation. Closed captioning will be available.
A Conversation with Deborah Prothrow-Stith and Larry Cohen
Friday, May 12, 2017, 10 a.m to 11 a.m. PST
Register here. Registration is free!
Deborah Prothrow-Stith, M.D. is dean and professor of Medicine for the College of Medicine at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. Dr. Prothrow-Stith is an internationally recognized public health leader, who since 2008 has advised top-tier healthcare, life sciences, academic and not-for-profit institutions on leadership and executive talent in her role as a principal at the global executive search consulting firm, Spencer Stuart. Prior to joining Spencer Stuart, she served as the Henry Pickering Walcott Professor of Public Health Practice and Associate Dean for Diversity at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Larry Cohen, MSW, is founder and Executive Director of Prevention Institute, a national nonprofit that helps shape the way the country thinks about health: improving community conditions and taking action to support health, safety, and equity in the first place. Larry’s new book, Prevention Diaries: The Practice and Pursuit of Health for All, reveals the unexpected (yet foreseeable) parts of daily life that shape our health. It tells the story of a movement to remake our communities to support health and equity and amplifies the critical need for prevention as our most transformational tool.