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It’s not over yet; let’s keep defending health and safety for all Americans

Earlier today, the American Health Care Act (AHCA) passed the US House of Representatives. If passed by the Senate, this legislation as written would:

  • repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund; 
  • cause millions to lose health insurance; 
  • cut more than $800 billion from Medicaid in the next decade; 
  • allow insurers to charge higher premiums for those with pre-existing conditions;
  • increase out-of-pocket costs for older adults; and 
  • allow states to opt out of requiring insurers to cover Essential Health Benefits.

The pain from the AHCA changes will be felt by everyone, especially the most vulnerable members of our society. States stand to lose over $3 billion in funds they rely on to prevent chronic disease, halt the spread of infections, and invest in community resources that support healthier lives. This does not fulfill the promise of improving healthcare for everyone that many legislators and the administration made to their constituents and the American public. The AHCA narrowly passed due to an amendment to include an additional $8 billion to cover high-risk pools for people with pre-existing conditions. Healthcare analysts agree that high-risk pools are not an adequate solution and that the funding provided is extraordinarily insufficient. 

Fortunately, this is not the end. Reaching this stage of the repeal process has taken far longer than the opponents of the ACA anticipated. And the reason is that community members, advocates, and healthcare leaders in every part of the nation have been speaking out against repeal. We will continue to do so. So far, it is just a proposal, and we hope and insist that the Senate will show more common sense.

We urge you to keep the pressure on by taking the following actions:

  • Call your senators and let them know you firmly reject any attempts to take healthcare away from millions of families across the U.S. Find out how to contact your senators by phone and email here.
  • Hold the House responsible: call and express your disappointment if your representative voted yes, and thank them if they voted no.  You can verify how your representative voted here.

The passage of the AHCA is not inevitable. Together, we can stand up for the health and safety of ALL Americans. Thank you for all you do, every day.

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Phone: 510-444-7738


Prevention Institute 
221 Oak Street 
Oakland, CA 94607

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