Contact your senators today to protect healthcare and prevention
Today, the Senate passed a motion to proceed on healthcare debate (with Vice President Mike Pence casting the tie-breaking vote), the latest development in a disingenuous process to tear down the Affordable Care Act.
At this point, we don’t know which healthcare bill (or bills) will be up for consideration. But what we do know is this: “Repeal” and “repeal and replace” are not the way forward on healthcare. Potential healthcare bills under consideration would strip 22 to 32 million people of their healthcare coverage, zero out the Prevention and Public Health Fund, dismantle Medicaid, and more.
We need greater investment in the community-based resources that support health and equity, and prevent people from becoming sick and injured in the first place. We need to expand healthcare access and shore up essential safety-net programs like Medicaid, a program that over 70 million Americans rely upon. We need to support women’s health – not undercut it – by safeguarding access to providers like Planned Parenthood, and Essential Health Benefits like birth control and maternity care. And we need to address the opioid crisis by expanding access to substance abuse treatment and investing in resilient communities: strong social networks, educational and employment opportunities, and access to mental healthcare will help prevent people from misusing opioids in the first place and will support those who are in recovery. We need to do this essential work together.
Today, as senators prepare to debate, amend, and vote on the future of healthcare in our country, they need to hear from you. Contact your senators now and tell them we need a robust health system that invests in prevention and public health, and expands access to healthcare. Anything less is unacceptable.
Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska were the only Republicans to vote against the motion to proceed. They need your support, and thanks, to continue standing up to their party on healthcare. If just three Republican senators vote against the healthcare bill, the bill will fail. Below you’ll find the names of senators who’ve expressed reservations about earlier versions of the Senate healthcare bill. If your senator is on this list, he or she needs to hear from you NOW: