Take action today!
Every senator needs to hear from his or her constituents TODAY. Tell your senators to vote against any cuts to the Prevention and Public Health Fund, and that you strongly oppose any future proposals that eliminate investments in prevention and public health and cut healthcare coverage, access, and services.
If just three Republican senators vote against ‘skinny repeal' and any other version of healthcare bill, those bills will fail. Below you’ll find the names of senators who’ve expressed reservations about earlier versions of the Senate healthcare bill. If your senator is on this list, he or she needs to hear from you NOW:
• Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), the only Republicans to vote against yesterday’s motion to proceed. They need your support to continue to stand up to their party on healthcare.
• Senator Bill Cassidy (Louisiana)
• Senator Jeff Flake (Arizona)
• Senator Cory Gardner (Colorado)
• Senator Dean Heller (Nevada)
• Senator John McCain (Arizona)
• Senator Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia)
• Senator Jerry Moran (Kansas)
• Senator Rob Portman (Ohio)
PI policy and advocacy portal
Prevention Institute’s Policy and Advocacy Portal is a one-stop shop for the latest national policy news, advocacy opportunities, and resources relating to community prevention and health equity.