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Program Manager position available in Los Angeles

We are seeking an effective and dynamic individual to become an integral part of our efforts to place prevention and equity at the center of community well-being.  This position is based in our Los Angeles office, in historic Leimert Park. Qualified candidates will have a thorough understanding of factors that determine community health, safety and well-being, and know what it takes to build partnerships to effectively address health inequities, with an emphasis on community-driven initiatives to change policy, systems and environments at the local level. Read the full job description here.

To Apply: Interested candidates should send a cover letter that includes salary requirements and how they heard about the position; a resume; and a writing sample to jobs@preventioninstitute.org. No phone calls, please. 

Prevention Institute building

New Report: Healthy Development without Displacement

Prevention Institute’s new report, Healthy Development without Displacement: Realizing the Vision of Healthy Communities for All takes a public health approach to preventing displacement. We explore the root causes of displacement, risk factors that make displacement more likely, and resilience factors that protect individuals and communities against displacement

PI policy and advocacy portal

Check out Prevention Institute’s Policy and Advocacy Portal for the latest national policy news, advocacy opportunities, and resources relating to community prevention and health equity.

Main Contact Info:

Phone: 510-444-7738

Email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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