Take action to defeat Graham-Cassidy proposal that would zero out Prevention and Public Health Fund
This week, we’ve seen competing visions for healthcare in the US -- from Senator Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare for All’ proposal that would transform the healthcare system to a single-payer model, with the goal of achieving universal coverage, to a bipartisan venture helmed by senators Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray to stabilize the Affordable Care Act exchanges, to yet another round of ‘repeal and replace.’
Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy’s (R-LA) proposed bill would block-grant, then phase out, health insurance subsidies and the Medicaid expansion; cap Medicaid funding, leading to steep cuts in coverage and benefits; rescind consumer protections and narrow what’s covered by health insurance; defund Planned Parenthood for one year; and eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund, effective October 1, 2018.
At a time when there are many routes forward on healthcare, including a bipartisan push to shore up the Affordable Care Act, Graham and Cassidy’s proposal threatens to take us in the wrong direction. We need a robust health system that invests in public health and community-based prevention, and expands access to healthcare. Anything less is unacceptable.
That’s why your senators need to hear from you today. Tell them why you oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill and urge senators to work together across the aisle to expand healthcare access and step up investments in community-based prevention. Senate Republicans have a narrow window to advance this bill -- just 16 days. Everything we can do to slow down this process will make a difference. Advocates like you helped stop previous ‘repeal and replace’ efforts in their tracks, and now it’s time to mobilize again and insist on prevention.