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Take action to defeat Graham-Cassidy proposal that would zero out Prevention and Public Health Fund

This week, we’ve seen competing visions for healthcare in the US -- from Senator Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare for All’ proposal that would transform the healthcare system to a single-payer model, with the goal of achieving universal coverage, to a bipartisan venture helmed by senators Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray to stabilize the Affordable Care Act exchanges, to yet another round of ‘repeal and replace.’ 

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy’s (R-LA) proposed bill would block-grant, then phase out, health insurance subsidies and the Medicaid expansion; cap Medicaid funding, leading to steep cuts in coverage and benefits; rescind consumer protections and narrow what’s covered by health insurance; defund Planned Parenthood for one year; and eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund, effective October 1, 2018. 

At a time when there are many routes forward on healthcare, including a bipartisan push to shore up the Affordable Care Act, Graham and Cassidy’s proposal threatens to take us in the wrong direction. We need a robust health system that invests in public health and community-based prevention, and expands access to healthcare. Anything less is unacceptable. 

That’s why your senators need to hear from you today. Tell them why you oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill and urge senators to work together across the aisle to expand healthcare access and step up investments in community-based prevention. Senate Republicans have a narrow window to advance this bill -- just 16 days. Everything we can do to slow down this process will make a difference. Advocates like you helped stop previous ‘repeal and replace’ efforts in their tracks, and now it’s time to mobilize again and insist on prevention. 

Prevention Institute building

Protect REACH

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) program has been zeroed out in appropriations bills passed by both the House and Senate.  Members of the Senate and House appropriations committees need to hear from you today about why REACH matters in your community and why they must act to restore funding.  

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure 

John Auerbach, executive director of Trust for America’s Health, and Prevention Institute’s Larry Cohen published a joint op-ed in The Hill. Prompted by recent bipartisan efforts to stabilize the Affordable Care Act, the op-ed emphasizes prevention, which is key to improving health, lowering costs, and reducing burden on the health system. 

Public Health Leaders Make Joint Call to Protect Prevention and Healthcare

PI and our colleagues from the American Public Health Association, Public Health Institute, Trust for America’s Health released a statement noting that “repealing the ACA and the Prevention Fund ensures there is no progress to reduce healthcare spending or improve the health of our workforce. Repealing the ACA will result in an America where preventable suffering and death are more widespread, and an America where the poorest and sickest communities fall even farther behind.” 

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Contact Info:

Phone: 510-444-7738

Email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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