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Happy anniversary to us—and to you

On the occasion of Prevention Institute’s 20-year anniversary, we want to express our deepest appreciation to all of you who’ve worked with us over the years to help create and sustain communities that foster health, safety, mental wellbeing, and equity. From our current and former staff, board members, fellows and interns to our community partners and funders, your insights, creativity, and perseverance have allowed us to champion prevention in ways beyond what we dreamed of when we opened our doors in October 1997. 

Prevention matters to all of us. When we, our friends, or family are sick or injured, it often becomes the most important thing in our lives. That’s why we started PI—so there would be an organization focused on how to effectively and systematically prevent illness and injury in the first place and address the reality that some groups get sick and injured more often than others because of inequities and injustice. 

Over the years, we’ve taken what worked in one area and applied it to others. We’ve created tools and strategies that can be used on the ground. And, along the way, we’ve had the good fortune of working with inspirational communities that refuse to believe the people who say change is impossible and instead insist on making it happen.

In today’s contentious and complex political environment, we fully intend to pursue our vision of prevention and health equity by protecting the gains we’ve made, resisting wherever necessary, and insisting on a future in which ALL communities are safe and healthy. You have supported this work in every way, and we are committed to carrying it out with you during the next twenty years and then beyond, because we know quite simply that we can’t be safe and healthy without high quality, community-level prevention. 

We look forward to partnering with you to achieve the world we want to live in …

  • Where health systems emphasize and act preventively, while also doing the important work of healing those who are injured or ill.
  • Where housing, transportation, justice, economic development and other sectors take actions and make decisions that prevent illness and injury and improve health and safety outcomes.
  • Where community conditions support health, safety and mental wellbeing for EVERYONE.
  • Where preventable deaths, which constitute half of all deaths, drop significantly.
  • Where the burden of illness, injury and the absence of wellbeing does not fall disproportionately on communities of color and communities with concentrated disadvantages.

Already this week, we have released statements and alerts on the terrible, yet preventable, tragedy that took place in Las Vegas and the need for sensible gun laws, including an assault weapons ban; and the effort by some members of Congress to raid the Prevention and Public Health Fund to pay for critical healthcare services, when clearly we need children’s health insurance and community prevention. With you, we will continue to champion the critical issues that ensure our health and safety. 

As we celebrate our anniversary throughout the year, we hope to highlight the accomplishments we’ve achieved together as well as the successes that you and your organizations have attained that demonstrate how prevention works. We’re also interested in hearing your perspectives about what we’ve attained as a prevention and health equity movement over the last twenty years and where we should be heading in the decades to come. Please email your stories and your thoughts to andrea@preventioninstitute.org. 

And thank you for all of the good work you do!

Prevention Institute building

Read our most recent releases

A public sector approach to preventing displacement 

Healthy Development without Displacement: Realizing the Vision of Healthy Communities for All explores the root causes of displacement, risk factors that make displacement more likely, and resilience factors that protect individuals and communities against displacement.

Applying community prevention knowledge to the field of mental health

PI’s new report, Back to Our Roots: Catalyzing Community Action for Mental Health and Wellbeing, illustrates how improving community conditions can help activate resilience and reduce the incidence and intensity of mental health concerns.

A Health Equity and Multisectoral Approach to Preventing Domestic Violence

This paper offers research, analysis, and frameworks to understand the factors in the community environment that support safe relationships and a reduction in domestic violence.

Contact Info:

Phone: 510-444-7738

Email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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