Plan to revitalize southern segment of LA River seeks input from public
Over the past year-and-a-half, the Lower Los Angeles River Working Group and 39 stakeholders in local, regional, and state government, community-based organizations, environmental conservation and public health have been working with Southeast and South LA communities to develop a revitalization plan for the lower half of the LA River, which runs from Vernon to Long Beach. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance communities, bring urban parks and green spaces to underserved LA neighborhoods, and engage residents and key stakeholders in a collaborative process of community transformation.
In December, the working group released a draft revitalization plan detailing 146 projects along this 19-mile stretch of the LA River. Proposed projects range from affordable housing developments to new parks and green spaces, as well as new bridges, public art projects, cultural venues, and trails for hiking and bicycling. Unlike other natural resource planning documents, this effort paid particular attention to public health issues and community stabilization strategies, including housing, rent stabilization, workforce development, and support for locally-owned businesses.
If you live or work in communities that are adjacent to this segment of the LA River, the working group needs to hear from you. Learn more about the plan here, and please send in comments before the deadline, January 11, 2018.
This project represents an unprecedented opportunity to invest in health, safety, and quality of life for communities bordering the Lower Los Angeles River. The 13 communities along this stretch of the river have been historically under-resourced, and the revitalization process offers an opportunity to address inequities in parks and access to resources that support health, while protecting current residents and local businesses from displacement.
Informed by residents’ and stakeholders’ vision for the future, the plan will make it possible for the families who currently live along the river to benefit most from investments in affordable housing, parks and green spaces, and other community resources. That’s why your feedback is so important. Please take some time over the next few days to review the draft plan and provide comments, and consider sharing the plan with neighbors and community groups.