Please join Prevention Institute for our upcoming webinar series, Back to Our Roots: Exploring the History of Community Mental Health and Identifying Strategies to Advance Population Wide Mental Health and Wellbeing
Thursday, January 25, 10 AM Pacific Time
Exploring the History of Community Mental Health and Population Wide Mental Health Strategies
Part one of our webinar series will provide an overview on how improving community conditions can reduce the incidence and intensity of mental health challenges, and help activate resilience.
Click here to register.
February 8, 10 AM Pacific Time
Cultivating Our Roots: Leveraging a Gendered and Cultured Lens to Advance Community Strategies to Improve Population-Wide Mental Health and Wellbeing
Part two of our webinar series will provide an overview of the Making Connections for Mental Wellbeing initiative and highlight community driven efforts to improve mental health and wellbeing.
Click here to register.
This webinar series will be informed by PI’s 2017 report Back to Our Roots – Community Determinants and Pillars of Wellbeing Advance Resilience and Healing as well as our work on the Making Connections for Mental Health and Wellbeing Among Men and Boys initiative.