Upcoming webinars will provide a deeper understanding of Prevention Institute’s work in the areas of preventing violence and promoting mental health
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
11 AM-12:30 PM PT / 2 PM-3:30 PM ET
From Foundations to Innovations: Applying a public health approach to preventing sexual and domestic violence
Prevention Institute and PreventConnect are pleased to announce the 2018 web conference series, From a Cycle of Violence to a Culture of Safety and Equity. Throughout the series, we will look at the value of community-level sexual and domestic violence prevention, explore how sexual and domestic violence prevention relates to health equity and to other forms of violence, and identify strategies, tools, and resources to support innovative prevention approaches. Learn more and register here.
The inaugural webinar will be hosted by PI staff members and feature:
- Amy Kenzie, Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force, Minnesota Department of Public Health
- Marissa Raguet, Minnesota Department of Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Section
- Ed Heisler, Executive Director, Men As Peacemakers
PI and PreventConnect are also pleased to present our new report, Toward Community Health and Justice: Themes and Summaries from the 2017 PreventConnect Web Conference Series. The report discusses topics such as how sexual and domestic violence prevention practitioners are employing a health equity approach in their work and what practitioners are doing to improve the sociocultural, physical, and economic environments to prevent violence.
Thursday, January 25 2018
10-11 AM PT/1-2 PM ET
Exploring the History of Community Mental Health and Population Wide Mental Health Strategies
It’s time for the nation to move ‘upstream’ to address the sources of despair that lead to substance misuse, addiction, overdose, and death in communities where hope and a sense of opportunity are slipping out of reach. Community-based prevention can transform our communities to enable people to cope, heal, and thrive by addressing the community determinants associated with mental health and wellbeing. This webinar, part of the Back to Our Roots webinar series, will provide an overview of how improving community conditions can reduce the incidence and intensity of mental health challenges, and help promote wellbeing. Click here to register.
Thursday, February 8 2018
10-11 AM PT/1-2 PM ET
Cultivating Our Roots: Leveraging a Gendered and Cultured Lens to Advance Community Strategies to Improve Population-Wide Mental Health and Wellbeing
This webinar will provide an overview of the Making Connections for Mental Wellbeing initiative and highlight community driven efforts to improve mental health and wellbeing. Click here to register.