• Build Healthy Places Network: January 13, 2020

    Want to prevent violence? Go green.

    In our new blog featured in BHP Network, Prevention Institute's Danielle Bowen-Gerstein and Christine Williams explore how greening can be a crucial part of community violence prevention.

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  • The Guardian: January 13, 2020

    Changing violence requires the same shift in understanding given to AIDS

    In his article in The Guardian about the need to shift our understanding of violence from a moral to a public health perspective, Gary Slutkin mentions PI's Rachel Davis. "The main key to changing this situation is for us to shift our understanding of violence in this new way – as a preventable epidemic health problem. As with AIDS, this effort needs to be spearheaded by real leaders, and many in the Bay Area have stepped up, including Anne Marks from Youth Alive!, Devone Boggan from Advanced Peace, Rachel Davis from the Prevention Institute, and many others including the mayors of these cities who have also really stepped up."

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  • Center for Health Journalism: December 13, 2019

    Staying flexible proves key for story on junk food in LA’s afterschool programs

    In her article about trying to improve the quality of snacks in after school programs in LA, Alyssa Perry mentions that after bringing up PI's 2005 Child Nutrition Policy (which was not being enforced) to city council members, the Rec and Parks agreed to "re-issue the policy to staff and encourage staff to serve healthier options." 

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  • Block Club Chicago: December 4, 2019

    West Side Mentors Are Showing Teens Masculinity Does Not Need To Be Toxic: ‘Vulnerability Is Not A Weakness’

    In this article, Pascale Sabino describes the work of Legends of Lawndale, one of Prevention Institute's Making Connections sites. "The program encourages emotional intelligence and promotes a modern idea of masculinity that lets go of a lot of gendered expectations of manhood that leads to men bottle up their feelings, struggle with silent insecurity and sometimes lash out on friends, peers, partners and family."

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  • Blue Shield of California Foundation: October 29, 2019

    From McKinleyville to San Diego, five communities redefine intimate partner violence prevention

    In their blog, the Blue Shield of California Foundation features this piece about the Safety Through Connections Initiative by PI's Alisha Somji, Abena Asare, and Lisa Fujie Parks. The initiative, funded by Blue Shield of California Foundation, and organized by PI is made of five community collaboratives that have worked on issues like immigrant rights, worker rights, community violence prevention, and mental health. Through Safety Through Connections, they are broadening their focus to include the prevention of partner violence and developing strategies to address the root causes of violence, such as harmful gender norms, the social attitudes that enable violence, and economic insecurity.

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  • NACCHO Voice: October 24, 2019

    Opioid Settlement Funds Must Go Where They’re Needed Most—Treatment and Prevention

    In this op-ed featured in NACCHO Voice, PI's Dana Fields-Johnson and Sarah Mittermaier write about the spate of recent opioid settlements, what has and hasn’t worked in past public health settlements, and the need to fund prevention. "As thousands of cities and counties hard-hit by the opioid crisis move closer to settlements with opioid manufacturers and distributors, it’s time to talk about how communities can use these funds to meet urgent needs for treatment and invest in what it will truly take to stop this epidemic: preventing people from becoming addicted to opioids in the first place.

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  • Health Affairs : October 1, 2019

    From Emergencies To Equity: The Growing Role Of Hospitals In Community Health

    In their Health Affairs blog, PI's Sandra Viera, Katie Miller, and Sonja Lockhart, along with Jason Lacsamana of the Providence St. Joseph Health Community Partnership Fund, describe the Intersections Initiative. The healthcare initiative is designed to elevate equity and prevention at the community level by addressing social determinants of health—issues like housing, education, and income. The initiative brings together coalitions from seven California communities served by Providence St. Joseph Health System hospitals, and builds on the strengths and resilience of the communities they serve to create changes to systems and institutions.

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  • Office of Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman: September 20, 2019

    Watson Coleman Leads Introduction of Resolution Recognizing Contributions of REACH Program

    In this press release about Congresswoman Watson Coleman's introduction of bipartisan H.Res. 570, a resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health, or REACH, program, PI's Sana Chehimi is quoted: “The successes of REACH has made possible over the past 20 years illustrate just how important it is to invest directly in community-led strategies. Local efforts, like those funded by REACH, reflect community priorities and build on community strengths to support health and wellbeing, and address longstanding health and racial inequities.”

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