Structural racism is the driving factor that produces inequities in homicides, shootings, and other forms of violence affecting African American and Latino youth and other youth of color. Through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Prevention Institute will develop a framework to support city governments in preventing violence by addressing structural racism and promoting racial justice.
Prevention Institute will develop a framework for preventing violence by addressing structural racism and promoting racial justice. The framework will be used as the foundation for education and training materials for local health jurisdictions and other local government entities who are working in partnership with communities. The framework will:
- Document theory, research, and practice that links structural racism to violence and racial justice to community safety;
- Describe racial justice principles to guide action;
- Outline actions to address racism and promote racial justice in violence prevention strategies across the social-ecological model and in planning, implementation, and evaluation activities; and,
- Define the role of local health jurisdictions, other local government agencies, and communities in understanding, collaborating on, and supporting these actions.
This project is supported by Cooperative Agreement No. 6 NU38OT000305-02-03 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Department of Health and Human Services or the CDC.