Implementation is essential for achieving the intended outcomes of equity-focused transportation and land use policies. The challenge of creating safe and walkable streets or generating equitable development involves follow-through—in the form of action, resources, and accountability—once a policy or plan has been formally adopted. Too often though, promising policies or plans languish due to internal resistance from implementing agencies, insufficient funding and staff development, or processes that aren’t transparent or responsive to communities that are the intended beneficiaries. This resource provides government staff, elected/appointed officials, health equity and racial justice organizations, and funding entities with methods and strategies for building community power to advance implementation, which are drawn from local examples at the leading edge of this work. We encourage practitioners to innovate upon the strategies described here and uphold the principles of collaboration, accountability, and shared power that they demonstrate.

Photo credits (top-left to bottom-right): "No Motor Vehicles - Chelsea Piers, New York City" by Andreas Komodromos; Celery Design; Celery Design; Clarion Alley Mural Project; CDC