Part of UNITY's City Voices and Perspectives series, Blueprint for Action-Preventing Violence in Minneapolis demonstrates how developing and implementing a strategic plan grounded in prevention is paying off for Minneapolis.
This UNITY publication highlights the effectiveness of the Blueprint for Action, a comprehensive strategic plan to prevent violence in Minneapolis. Violent crime in four prioritized neighborhoods fell by 43 percent in the first two years of the initiative, and the National League of Cities has recognized Minneapolis's approach as one of the most innovative models for preventing violence affecting youth.
For more on Minneapolis' efforts, read "City Voices and Pespectives: R.T. Rybak, Mayor of Minneapolis" and hear why the city's leadership decided to pursue a public health approach to prevent violence.
Minneapolis, MN – Minneapolis Health Department
Sasha Cotton describes the strengths and challenges faced by ethnically diverse communities across Minneapolis, and the value of engaging communities and celebrating successes among youth participating in violence prevention programs.