With support from the Blue Shield of California Foundation, and in partnership with representatives from multiple sectors, including domestic violence prevention advocates, and researchers, Prevention Institute developed the SAFE (Sectors Acting For Equity) approach to promoting safe relationships and preventing partner violence.
Download publications on the right to learn about this approach.
Additional Media
- Safe neighborhoods, safe relationships: the role of community development: a blog post for the housing and community development sector on Build Healthy Places Network’s website
- New momentum for promoting safe relationships through supportive, equitable community environments in California: a blog post for sexual violence prevention advocates on California Coalition Against Sexual Assault’s website
- How can my agency invest in building equitable community environments that support safe relationships?: a blog post for domestic violence prevention advocates on VAWnet’s website
- How community accountability can help prevent intimate partner violence in the first place: a blog post for groups working on community accountability for domestic violence on Prevention Institute’s website
- Webinar recording on SAFE from the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence’s Prevention Peer Network
- Webinar recording on the community determinants of intimate partner violence for PreventIPV on VAWnet’s website
- Prevention Institute’s recommendations for preventing multiple forms of gun violence, including domestic violence
For more information on Prevention Institute projects grounded in this approach, see our Sectors Acting For Equity project page and our Safety Through Connection: Building Community Capacity to Prevent Partner Violence page