When: Thursday, February 21, 2013 (9:00AM - 4:00PM)
Price: Free
Where: The California Endowment Fresno/Central State Regional Office, 2440 Tulare Street Suite 200, Fresno, CA

A rural landscape, economic challenges, and limited opportunities for safe places to play and eat healthy all shape the Central Valley, creating environment with an undue burden of illness and injury -- but, thanks to the advocacy of dedicated organizations and individuals, there has been an added investment of money and resources to move the Central Valley towards becoming a healthier community. Yet at the same time, with a wealth of organizations contending for scarce resources and chronic disease rates still on the rise, it is a crucial time for organizations, individuals, and networks to collaborate and apply strategies to change the Central Valley environment to promote health for all.

Prevention Institute's "Promoting Health, Safety, and Equity" workshop offers a unique opportunity for organizations and individuals to learn how to apply a primary prevention lens in order to effectively prevent chronic diseases from occurring in the first place, to hear from key experts working specifically in the Central Valley, and to engage in a dialogue with others. In addition, the workshop will provide a forum for participants to discuss how leaders in the region can work together as they move toward creating healthy and sustainable change. Register today.

For more information on this event, click here.

The California Endowment Fresno/Central State Regional Office
2440 Tulare Street Suite 200, Fresno, CA