Since 2001, Strategic Alliance has been at the forefront of developing strategies, tools, and policies that have made California a leader in promoting healthy food and activity environments. As a result of Strategic Alliance's collective actions and those of committed partners throughout the state, we have made significant policy and strategy contributions that promote health, equity and well-being in California and beyond.
We invite you to read A Decade of Advocacy: The Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments to learn more about the history, vision, structure, and accomplishments of the Alliance. Click here to download the full document.
Some previous actions include:
- Making farmers' markets more accessible to low income shoppers by allowing Electronic Benefits Transfers (EBT) payment systems;
- Requiring access to fresh drinking water in all California schools;
- Establishing nutrient guidelines for the beverages served in child care settings;
- Making California the first state in the nation to establish an oversight board for its healthcare exchanges, including important language access provisions, and helping consumers purchase affordable health insurance, as mandated by the Affordable care Act, starting in 2014;
- Supporting the formation of California's multi-sector Strategic Growth Council, ensuring health and equity criteria were embedded in their grantmaking efforts, and providing strong support to its groundbreaking Health in All Policies Taskforce;
- Releasing strategic recommendations that have directly shaped the strategies and actions in Governor Schwarzenegger's California Obesity Prevention Plan and subsequently the 2011 Obesity Prevention Plan;
- Making California the first state in the country to require menu labeling at chain restaurants;
- Establishing, in 2005, the most rigorous nutrient standards in the nation for foods sold outside of school meals;
- Banning the sale of sodas, K-12, in California's schools;
- Promoting the renewal of Safe Routes to School;
- Advocating for the importance of credentialed physical education teachers through the appropriations of $40 million in the 2006-07 California Budget Act; and
- Supporting the passage of a parks and water quality bond providing funds for the development of open space and parks in communities that currently lack space for active play.