The Environmental Nutrition and Activity Community Tool (ENACT) provides an interactive menu of strategies designed to help you select and prioritize strategies for improving food and activity environments on a local level, starting in your own community. ENACT guides implementation by offering useful resources based on current research and practice, including model policies and programs, hands-on tools and related research.
The ENACT Local Policy Database is a compilation of local policies that improve food and recreation environments, starting in cities and counties. The database provides concrete examples of what's being tried and adopted in other locales, shares actual policy language, demonstrates the range of recreation/food-related policies that are emerging and highlights promising policy activities that are occurring at the local level. serves as a hub of information for those interested in increasing opportunities for safe physical activity in their communities. Resources include fact sheets, advocacy and implementation tools, talking points, success stories, model templates, a California specific joint use locator to identify existing agreements in your region, and an interactive discussion board.