December 14, 2013
Expert brings public health into climate change
Prevention Institute's Manal Aboelata and Larry Cohen highlight Dr. Linda Rudolph's contributions to the dialogue on public health and climate change policy.
December 14, 2013
Prevention Institute's Manal Aboelata and Larry Cohen highlight Dr. Linda Rudolph's contributions to the dialogue on public health and climate change policy.
December 7, 2013
Prevention Institute's Leslie Mikkelsen argues that the level of food stamp (SNAP) benefits, not restrictions on how SNAP dollars can be spent, is "the biggest factor in whether or not folks eat nutritiously."
Huffington Post: December 2, 2013
In this Huffington Post article, Strategic Alliance's Juliet Sims is quoted about the importance of food environments in shaping children's health and the disparities in how children are targeted by fast food and junk food marketing.
May 8, 2013
PI's Juliet Sims highlights the predatory marketing practices of the food and beverage industry, and the industry's aggressive efforts to target children of color. October 17, 2012
PI's Juliet Sims stands up for California Prop 37, which would require food companies to label genetically engineered foods, and overviews regulatory gaps in food labeling and health claims. “Parents shouldn’t need a magnifying glass and a calculator to know what they’re eating, but that’s the situation they’re in,” says Sims.
Philadelphia Inquirer: March 21, 2012
A new article highlights how claims on the front of food packages can mislead parents who are trying to make the best food choices for their families. Strategic Alliance's Claiming Health study is cited.
Main St.: March 14, 2012
A new article takes a look at misleading and deceptive food packaging, citing Strategic Alliance's Claiming Health study.
California Watch: January 27, 2012
Federal efforts to address the connection between chronic disease and food marketing to children recently stalled, when funding for a set of proposed national marketing guidelines became contingent on a cost-benefit analysis mandated through an appropriations bill. A number of public health advocates, including Strategic Alliance's Juliet Sims, speak out on the importance of these sensible, evidence-based guidelines.
January 9, 2012
A new study found that a nationwide penny-per-ounce tax would reduce sugar-sweetened beverage consumption by 15 percent. Strategic Alliance's Juliet Sims is quoted.
November 6, 2011
Prevention Institute's Juliet Sims joined the radio show Childhood Matters, where she covered Strategic Alliance's role, and how policies and environments can support healthy eating and physical activity for kids, families, and communities. Click here to listen to the interview.