UNITY Training & Events

  • Jul 12, 2012 - Join UNITY at NACCHO Annual 2012
    Public health adds value to efforts that address youth violence, and city and county health departments have a unique role. Join UNITY to learn about innovative prevention approaches in St. Paul and other cities. This NACCHO Annual 2012 panel also features the director of the Division of Violence...
  • Jul 12, 2012 - Webinar: Selecting Strategies that Prevent Violence
    A complex issue such as violence requires a comprehensive solution, but how to select the most effective mix of strategies? UNITY is pleased to present to community partners in Salinas, Calif., on strategies that reduce violence, and on ways to winnow the options for maximum impact.
  • Jun 26, 2012 - UNITY City at the APHA Mid-Year Meeting
    Cleveland Public Health Director Karen Butler will share efforts to prevent violence in Cleveland and discuss why addressing violence using a place-based, public health approach will advance health equity at the APHA Mid-Year Meeting.
  • Jun 22, 2012 - UNITY at the Coalition for Juvenile Justice Conference
    Hear UNITY Co-Chair Deborah Prothrow-Stith deliver the keynote address "Advancing Juvenile Justice and Public Health Partnerships," at the Coalition for Juvenile Justice 2012 Annual Conference in Bethesda, Md. Deborah will describe the immense potential of these partnerships to prevent violence...
  • Jun 1, 2012 - UNITY at the Louisiana Medical Association State Meeting
    UNITY Co-Chair Deborah Prothrow-Stith presents on preventing violence and injury before it happens at the Louisiana Medical Association State Meeting in June.
  • May 21, 2012 - Preventing Gang Violence in Los Angeles through Collaboration
    Join UNITY Co-Chair Billie Weiss to learn ways to work with many diverse partners and prevent gang violence. Collaboration is an essential to preventing violence, and Billie will share recommendations for cities at the first annual Los Angeles Gang Violence Prevention & Intervention Conference...
  • Apr 27, 2012 - Congressional Briefing on Preventing Violence Using the Public Health Approach
    Join us for the Congressional briefing Prevention Works: A Public Health Approach to Preventing Violence Affecting Youth. Sponsored by the Congressional Tri-Caucus and UNITY, this briefing will highlight public health contributions to addressing violence, share local success stories, and emphasize...
  • Apr 4, 2012 - UNITY and The King Institute Launch New Partnership
    Since 1968, April 4th has been a day to mourn the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and reflect on his legacy. This year, Prevention Institute’s UNITY initiative has partnered with the Martin Luther King III Institute for Social Justice and Human Rights to honor and advance Dr. King’s...
  • Mar 22, 2012 - UNITY Data & Evaluation Webinar: Community Safety Scorecard
    Register for this UNITY webinar to learn about the Community Safety Scorecard, an innovative place-based evaluation model. The Community Safety Scorecard identifies safety gaps across Los Angeles neighborhoods by assessing specific neighborhood conditions that either prevent violence or make it...
  • Mar 16, 2012 - Train-the-Trainer Workshops for Mental Health Professionals
    Learn to equip your colleagues so mental health services promote healing for children and young people traumatized by violence. Participate in one of three free trainings by the American Psychological Association on evidence-based treatment programs and validated trauma assessment tools, and earn...
  • Feb 22, 2012 - Webinar on Greening Urban Spaces to Prevent Violence
    Register for this webinar to hear one example of how improving neighborhood environments can prevent violence. Planting trees and greening vacant lots in Philadelphia have contributed to fewer gun assaults and less vandalism, as well as improved resident well-being and increased physical activity....
  • Feb 10, 2012 - Train-the-Trainer Workshops for Mental Health Professionals
    Learn to equip your colleagues so mental health services promote healing for children and young people traumatized by violence. Participate in one of three free trainings by the American Psychological Association on evidence-based treatment programs and validated trauma assessment tools, and earn...
  • Feb 3, 2012 - Train-the-Trainer Workshops for Mental Health Professionals
    Learn to equip your colleagues so mental health services promote healing for children and young people traumatized by violence. Participate in one of three free trainings by the American Psychological Association on evidence-based treatment programs and validated trauma assessment tools, and earn...
  • Jan 11, 2012 - UNITY Training for CDC Grantees
    UNITY staff presented at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta to cities funded to prevent violence using the public health approach. Xavier Morales and Benita Tsao shared the Collaboration Multiplier tool for strengthening partnerships, and they also discussed ways to...
  • Dec 8, 2011 - UNITY Webinar: Bullying Prevention—Trends, Funding and Next Steps
    Part of the UNITY Peer Learning Forum's Bullying Prevention series, this webinar will focus on how to sustain collaborative efforts to prevent bullying both on school grounds and in the community. For more information, email benita@preventioninstitute.org
  • Nov 11, 2011 - UNITY at National League of Cities Summit
    UNITY Consultant Howard Pinderhughes of UCSF will share how UNITY works with cities to prevent violence using the public health approach. Join Howard and Cleveland City Councilmember Kevin Conwell from 3 to 5 p.m. at the National League of Cities Your City's Families Summit in Phoenix, Ariz., for a...
  • Nov 10, 2011 - UNITY Webinar: Making the Case—Prevent Bullying in the First Place
    Part of the UNITY Peer Learning Forum's Bullying Prevention series, this webinar will build skills for participants to engage diverse partners and initiate multi-sector efforts to prevent bullying. For more information, email benita@preventioninstitute.org
  • Nov 9, 2011 - Violence as a Matter of Equity
    Join UNITY Co-Chair Larry Cohen at the PolicyLink Equity Summit 2011 as he presents on violence and fear of violence as a health equity issue. The workshop "Community Safety and Youth Development: How Opportunity for All Can Foster Safe Places" takes place from 3:45 to 5:15 p.m. at the Detroit...
  • Oct 31, 2011 - UNITY at the APHA Annual Meeting
    UNITY and Prevention Institute will present at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.:
  • Oct 19, 2011 - UNITY City Network Convening in Oakland, Calif.
    Members of the UNITY City Network will build skills and share approaches on community engagement and overcoming budget challenges. Topics for break-out sessions include strategy evaluation, multi-sector partnerships and trauma-informed approaches. See the meeting agenda for more details.