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April 14, 2011
Tipping the Scale Toward Health “If an individual's body mass index isn't a purely personal matter, what is?” reads the first sentence in an editorial published in this Monday’s L.A. Times. The article, Should There be a Fat Tax?, goes on to say that concerns over chronic disease “have resulted in a raft of nanny-state proposals to shape the public's dietary habits by taxing this food or that drink or by outlawing free toys that accompany unhealthy children's meals at some restaurants.” Instead of strategies that focus on creating healthy food and activity environments, like limiting junk food marketing, the article endorses efforts that shift all responsibility to the individual, such as Arizona's recent proposal to levy a fee on obese Medicaid patients. Strategic Alliance encourages Rapid Responders to post a comment on the L.A. Times editorial, and to pen letters to the editor in response to local and state media coverage on other policy efforts to create community environments that support our health in the first place. Here are some tips to guide your conversation:
Share your advocacy efforts with us! Did you write a response or pitch a story in support of comprehensive policies that create healthier environments? Send us a quick note so we can make sure your efforts are recognized. ********************************** WHAT IS THE STRATEGIC ALLIANCE? The Strategic Alliance is reframing the debate on nutrition and physical activity away from a focus solely on individual choice and lifestyle towards one of environmental influences and corporate and government responsibility. Current Steering Committee members are: California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness Program (CANFit), California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA), California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA), California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, California Park and Recreation Society (CPRS) , California Project LEAN, California WIC Association (CWA), Child Care Food Program Roundtable, Latino Health Access, Partnership for the Public's Health, PolicyLink, Prevention Institute, Samuels & Associates, and Public Health Law and Policy. HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER The Strategic Alliance is currently engaged in building a broad and diverse statewide membership. To join or for more information, please visit us on the Web,, or contact Phebe Gibson at 510.444.7738 or And even if you're already a member, please forward this message on to your colleagues so we can continue to strengthen our coalition. Thank you!
The Strategic Alliance is reframing the debate on nutrition and physical activity - from a focus solely on individual choice and lifestyle, towards one of environmental influences and corporate and government responsibility.
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