Strategic Alliance Newsletter
April 2012
Honoring the Life and Legacy of Strategic Alliance Co-Founder Sarah Samuels
Sarah Samuels, co-founder of the Strategic Alliance, passed away on March 29, 2012. In January 2011, Sarah invited seven organizations to the table to found a Strategic Alliance to respond to rising rates of childhood obesity. She firmly believed that improving community health and reducing the incidence of chronic disease required an approach that looked beyond personal choice and individual responsibility. Her conviction that a group of advocates could work together to “reframe the debate” around chronic disease toward an emphasis on government and corporate responsibility has become the central tenet of the Strategic Alliance. Sarah was a pioneering leader, a committed advocate, and a trusted colleague and friend. Her broad vision to improve community environments, coupled with her sophisticated research and evaluation skills, have contributed tremendously to the movement for healthy food and physical activity environments. We miss her!
Click here to read California Food Policy Advocates co-founder Kenneth Hecht’s reflections.
Physical Activity Spotlight
New Joint Use Profiles Highlight Community Successes
Communities across the state are working tirelessly to create safe places for play and activity. In challenging economic times, solutions that maximize the use of existing resources and bring together residents, schools, and health advocates, are essential to improving healthy environments. Joint Use—or shared use of community assets like schools, playgrounds and parks—is a way to keep costs down and communities healthy. is excited to announce the release of community profiles that highlight the successes and describe the unique conditions, challenges, and barriers of rural, urban, and suburban communities across California. Click here to read more.
Playing Smart: A New Guide to Help Communities Open the Schoolyards
Public Health Law & Policy’s Playing Smart, a nuts-and-bolts guide to opening school property to the public through well-crafted joint use agreements, is now available! Playing Smart provides a comprehensive overview of the most common ways to finance joint use, and guidance on how to overcome obstacles that may arise in negotiating and enforcing a joint use agreement. Download this new resource here.
Save the Date! ENACT Day 2012
Date: May 16th, 2012
Location: St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1701 L street, Sacramento, CA
Join Strategic Alliance for ENACT Nutrition and Activity Day, an annual grassroots advocacy day held in Sacramento, CA. ENACT Day brings advocates together to educate policymakers about opportunities to improve California’s food and physical activity environments. Don’t miss this dynamic and informative opportunity to learn how to effectively communicate with legislators, meet with your representatives, and network with leaders and advocates from across the state. Spanish interpretation will be provided, and a limited number of travel scholarships will be awarded. Click here to learn more and register today!
Will Movie Theaters Get a Free Pass on Menu Labeling?
A law Congress passed in 2010 requires calorie information to be posted on menus at chain restaurants, on vending machines, and at other establishments with restaurant-type food. But movie theaters just may be exempted from this. Watch the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s video on the importance of menu labeling in movie theaters, and urge President Obama to strengthen the final menu labeling regulations to include movie theaters.
New Resources
View the newest resources for creating and promoting healthy food and activity environments. From access to fresh produce to decreasing the breastfeeding gap to learning more about the Farm Bill, we’ve selected the latest items for advocates to read, use, and share. Click here to explore.
Upcoming Events
Visit Strategic Alliance’s full Events page for more details on these and other upcoming events.
California Pan-Ethnic Health Network's Spring Convening Series
An Appetite for Equity: Ensuring Access to Healthy Foods
- April 4, 2012 – San Diego
- April 5, 2012 – Los Angeles
- April 11, 2012 – Fresno
- April 19, 2012 – Oakland
Click here for more information.
CA WIC Association’s 20th Annual Conference
Platinum Partnerships: Expanding Your WIC Network
April 29 – May 2 2012
Palm Desert, CA
Learn more here.
California WALKS 2012 Conference
Pedestrians Count! Successes, Challenges, and Data
May 3rd and 4th, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
Click here for more information.