Raise your voice: Only 3 “no” votes by Senate Republicans needed to stop AHCA
The dismal numbers are in: 23 million Americans would lose health insurance by 2026 if the American Health Care Act (AHCA) passes, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). It’s time to let our Senators know they must do right by their constituents and build up healthcare and public health, not destroy them.
If only three Senate Republicans reject the AHCA, and stand with the millions of families who benefit from healthcare and healthier communities, then the bill will fail. The stakes are incredibly high, as the AHCA doesn’t just promise to dismantle access to healthcare: it will also eliminate the Prevention and Public Health fund—and with it, the foundation of community health and safety.
Now that the AHCA has been scored by the CBO, it can be considered by the Senate, where Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has already said the upper house will develop its own version of ACA repeal. McConnell has also stated he is not sure how Republicans will muster the 50 votes needed to pass the legislation. This presents an opportunity for advocates.
The entire Senate needs to hear from the prevention and public health community. Your message can be simple:
“I do not want 23 million of my fellow Americans to lose access to healthcare and am gravely concerned by efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. I also do not support efforts to repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Please oppose efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and the Prevention and Public Health Fund.”
And if you are a constituent of any of the following Republican Senators who have already expressed concerns with the AHCA, please let them know why you support the Prevention and Public Health Fund and oppose ACA repeal: Senator Capito (WV); Senator Portman (OH); Senator Cassidy (LA); Senator Heller (NV); Senator Sullivan (AK); Senator Flake (AZ); Senator Gardner (CO); Senator Murkowski (AK); and Senator Collins (ME).
Find out how to contact your senators by phone and email here.
Cutting back on healthcare and prevention will damage our community, damage business vitality, and cost us jobs. That's why Prevention Institute will join community residents across the country, and our colleagues in healthcare and public health, to block the American Health Care Act from passing the Senate. The health and safety of millions of Americans hangs in the balance—particularly the most vulnerable members of our society—and the time to act is now.