Webinar will offer strategies to protect resources, health of vulnerable communities
Please join Prevention Institute and our co-sponsors for a June 14 webinar to learn strategies for defending federal funding for public health and prevention. The American Health Care Act, now under consideration in the Senate, would eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund, strip 23 million Americans of healthcare coverage, and remove protections for people with pre-existing conditions. This, coupled with sharp cuts to public health in the president’s 2018 proposed budget, means America’s health and wellbeing is under threat. The webinar will explore issues likely to arise in the Senate’s consideration of the AHCA and Congress’s consideration of the budget, and outline actions we can take to protect the resources that improve the health of vulnerable communities.
Dialogue4Health Web Forum: Take Action:
Raising Your Voice in Support of Public Health and Access to Care
June 14, 2017
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT
Register Now
This web forum is for public health practitioners, advocates, and students; community- and faith-based organizations; members of the education, business and healthcare communities; and people focusing on health systems, housing, hunger, transportation, and other sectors that impact health.
The forum is co-sponsored by:
- American Public Health Association
- Public Health Institute
- Trust for America's Health
- Prevention Institute
Is the 'Register Now' link not working? Copy and paste the following text into your browser: https://publichealthinstitute.webex.com/publichealthinstitute/onstage/g.php?MTID=e5d5e6e0021f916b5e1384f952db75adf