The Making Connections Backpack is a resource library for those engaged in building a gendered and community-level approach to improving mental wellbeing among men and boys. The Backpack offers tools to shape your journey, and connect with others engaged in or supporting similar upstream prevention work. It was developed in collaboration with Movember, the world’s leading charity changing the face of men’s health, with a key focus area of mental health. Movember looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention, and health promotion.

What is Making Connections?
The Making Connections initiative forges new pathways to improve mental health and wellbeing among men and boys.

Core Principles and Values
Making Connections combines Movember’s vision to stop men from dying too young and Prevention Institute’s vision to create thriving and equitable communities.

Packing List (Tools and Frameworks)
The Packing List tools will help you develop all stages of your community of practice.