Alameda County Department of Public Health, California: Building Internal and External Capacity to Address Inequities in Health

Alameda County, California experiences severe disparities in health outcomes and related disparities in education, poverty level, and housing. The depth of these disparities was first documented in the Alameda County Health Status Report (CHSR) 2000, and reiterated in the subsequent 2003 and 2006 Status Reports. Data from the CHSRs have sparked debate among residents and policy makers, and guided the Alameda County Public Health Department leadership to accelerate conversations about broadening the department's efforts to work more closely with community partners to address the social conditions that create health inequities. Funding for this report was provided by Public Health Foundation.

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'Four out of Five Babies Go Home to a Safe, Loving Family. Let's Help Number Five' Campaign, the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence: Boise, Idaho

Through funding from the Federal Office on Violence against Women, the Idaho Coalition against Sexual & Domestic Violence has engaged the public health community--birthing hospitals, pediatricians, OB/GYN, nurses--in the "Four out of Five Babies Go Home to a Safe, Loving Family. Let's Help Number Five" statewide prevention campaign.

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Coalition to Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning: Making Lead History in Western New York State - Monroe County, New York

In Western New York State's Monroe County, like in other New York counties, the rate of childhood lead poisoning was alarming, especially among low-income children. In response, the Coalition to Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning was established in 2000 with a mission to "end childhood lead poisoning in Monroe County in 2010". Recognized by then-U.S. Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton as a "national model" for reducing childhood lead poisoning, the county coalition's efforts have cut childhood lead poisoning rates by 72% in eight years.

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Eliminating social and economic barriers to good health and safety: Louisville Center for Health Equity

African Americans in Louisville, Kentucky, as in the rest of the U.S., experience greater health inequities compared to other racial and ethnic groups. This population, in particular, disproportionately experiences illness, violence-related injuries and premature death. In response, the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness's Center for Health Equity is tracing the pathway from illness and injury to the community conditions, norms and root factors that lead to poor health and inequity in the first place. By building capacity among historically disenfranchised neighborhoods, CHE is leading an urban movement to promote equal opportunities for health and safety.

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Community Farm Alliance: Louisville, Kentucky

With a membership base of over 2,000, Community Farm Alliance spearheads policies to support family farming in rural Kentucky and creates access to healthy fresh fruits and vegetables among urban, West Louisville's primarily African American residents through a blend of programs and policies.

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Lifelong Communities Initiative: Atlanta, Georgia

This program of the Atlanta Regional Commission pays special attention to the needs of seniors as it works to improve community design and support city-wide ordinances to support better walking and transportation alternatives and healthy housing for seniors.

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The Community-Driven Eden Area Livability Initiative


Improving community environments requires a comprehensive approach that creates bridges across sectors. Over a period of roughly two years, stakeholders in the western unincorporated area of Alameda County (also called "The Eden Area") came together to identify, discuss, and debate the most important issues facing their communities and to develop a collective vision of livable communities and a prioritized set of actions.


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