MODULE 2: Take Two Steps to Prevention

Module 2 introduces the Two Steps to Prevention framework and the Trajectory of Health Inequities. It illustrates how inequities are created, and where prevention efforts are most effective.

Duration: 16 minutes

Learning objectives:

  • Discuss the Two Steps to Prevention framework
  • Identify the elements in the Trajectory of Health Inequities
  • Use the Two Steps to Prevention framework to move from a focus on services to the environment, and address the reasons why people are sick or injured in the first place

How to get started:

  1. Complete the module at your own pace.
  2. To begin, click watch the video below. You can pause or rewind as you go. 
  3. Use the written transcription for module 2 as a guide to the presentation.


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After completing the Module:

  1. Click the "Next Module" button to continue in order, or return to the HEPP homepage to select any module - you may move through the modules in any order, at your own in
  2. Explore the related  Health Equity and Prevention Resources
  3. Complete the module 2 evaluation via Survey Monkey (for non-CHES users)
  4. Learn about the history of the HEPP tool: Methodology and Project Advisors